What does this mean, why should we care, and how could we do this in practice?
👉 https://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/les-formes-du-visible-philippe-descola/9782021476989
👉 https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520276116/how-forests-think
👉 https://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/face_a_gaia-9782359251081
“The unit of survival is *organism* plus *environment*. We are learning by bitter experience that the organism which destroys its environment destroys itself.”
Gregory Bateson
Thank you Bernie!
👉 https://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/les-formes-du-visible-philippe-descola/9782021476989
👉 https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520276116/how-forests-think
👉 https://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/face_a_gaia-9782359251081
“The unit of survival is *organism* plus *environment*. We are learning by bitter experience that the organism which destroys its environment destroys itself.”
Gregory Bateson
Thank you Bernie!