I’m struck by Ece’s early comment about how changes in governance patterns modify personal relationships. I think there is a deep connection between how people treat one another on a personal level and how society behaves as a whole.

This is a pattern familiar to scientists who study statistically large physical systems.

Unlike sets of interacting particles though, with people it’s a two way street. Our interactions can change in response to the larger pattern, or the larger pattern can change in response to our local interactions in a continuous hierarchical dance.

I think for CAs and sortition to take root there needs to be a mechanism to heal interpersonal relationships damaged by manipulation through social media and political polarization from election campaigns.

That’s why I think anyone serious about advocating for a transition to deliberative democracy also needs to listen to its critics. The chief criticism is the fact that only a handful of people are involved in CAs but democracy requires wholesale conversation and dialogue across a population.

That’s why alongside CAs there needs to be parallel processes from the ground up that involve most, if not all, of the population - citizens or immigrants alike!

Almost this might look like a “non-partisan” political party/organizing body across an entire nation that continuously organizes a broad set of conversations. Such permanent community wide dialogue must be set up to help write local and national agendas, and explore and discover solutions to issues and communicate those findings to a formal decision making system that might involve a blend of lotteries, CAs, mini public and electoral processes.

I would argue that the very existence and popularity of Braver Angels in the US is an indicator of how the US is reacting to the threat of totalitarianism.

IMO Such an organization as a braver Angels is key to creating fertile ground in people’s minds for sortition and minipublics to take root.

Once people have been through a depolarizing process and are friends with people from “the other side”, then things like lotteries and deliberations suddenly make a lot of sense on a very personal level, as well a political level.

People start to believe in it.

To my mind the battle is not left vs right. The battle is between those who see the necessity for including all points of view in decision making to identify a dominant pattern, and those who seek to suppress dissension to impose a predetermined dominant pattern.

A CA may well choose to implement the exact same policy as a dictator. But in one case it would be a measured good policy, in the other, a lucky policy. Why leave decision making to luck? That’s why chance should be included at the beginning of the political process not randomly applied at the end!

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After the election the hive will be corrected and the defects eliminated by voters. Don't let them bully you or steal and cancel your votes people. Recently found a site that looked like my state from some right wing rag promoting disinformation and links to racist anti government X that I clicked and did not show me as registered, yet the actual state site to check my voter registration shows that I'm registered? The very fate of our lives and freedoms are being threatened from these these operatives working in the background to eliminate your vote. Stand up people of the world and stop the defect and vote and protest while you still can without endangering your life.

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