We’re already there in South Australia. Absolutely no regrets. It’s a right, decent, respectful and compassionate course.

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The new Labour government no longer employes Sue Gray as head of communications. This happened a few months after she publicly advocated for increased use of Citizens Assemblies.

This might show how the sabotage of better democracy is being carried out by those claiming to protect and uphold it. Any eventual small moves in its direction such as 2nd Deliberative Democracy parliamentary chamber replacing The House of Lords can be seen as a eventually to be resisted until the latest possible moment and then sabotaged by it's design and operation as happend with the Climate Assembly and Scottish government version.

Sort it by standing for it in all available elections legally promising to work to the candidates best ability to promote and make effective Deliberative Democracies use and deciding making power

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If you see anyone talking about assisted dying like it's some kind of altruistic act.

What's actually being proposed is state sanctioned murder, and when bottom line bureaucrats get their hands on that kind of power things get very bad very quickly.

Case in point: Canadian paralympian asks for a stairlift to help with mobility and the health system suggests she simply kill herself instead.


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